Atténuer la facture d'électricité des services d'eau

How can you reduce your water utility's electricity bill?

We are in an unprecedented energy crisis. Water utilities are being squeezed by rising electricity bills: the price per kWh, usually around €0.05, has reached 0,40 €. Local authorities “will not be able to absorb these increases in charges unless they lower the level of service or forego certain investments or increase local taxation “
Every year in France, leaks in drinking water networks require an additional 500 GWh of electricity, the additional cost of which rises from €25 to €200 million! For a water utility that distributes 1 million m³ per year with an efficiency of 75%, the cost of leaks was about €6,250/year before the energy crisis; now it can reach €50,000/year.

also means reducing the increase in your electricity bill

Les fuites, première ressource en eau mobilisable - Altereo HPO​

Efficient solutions for water utilities

In the short term

Altereo réduire le débit des fuites en régulant la pression

1. Reduce the flow of leaks through the reduction of presure in the pipes

For the same number of leaks, pressure increases significantly the volume of lost water. Reduce the pressure is the first action that can be taken for an inmediat result, without needing to know where the leaks are

Regulating the pressure, a solution against water scarcity during drought episodes!

2. Reduce the duration of leaks by facilitating their reporting

HpO® Citizen , a user-friendly mobile app for the people

A mobile application for general public to facilitate the reporting of water service anomalies (typically pressure drops, water shortages, leaks etc.) and reduce response times.

HpO Citizen application free

In the medium term

HpOCollect free application
Altereo HpO pipeline renewal priority

3. Reduce the number of leaks through targeted replacement

HpO® Collect , a mobile app to collect and store leaks data

A free and user-friendly mobile app that allows field agents to collect the requiered.

The HpO® IAtechnology for a predictive and efficient replacement

Altereo's patented and award-winning technology uses machine learning to learn from past breakage data to calculate the future risk of breakage for each pipe and connection of the network

HpO® IA allows to divide the number of leaks by two through the targeted remplacement of 5% of the network.

4. Reduce the duration of leaks by targeting leak detection

HpO® IA technology for risk-based leak detection

The failure risks from HpO® IA also serve to guide the search for leaks (or the installation of devices) and thus detect leaks faster.

Altereo HpO targeted leak detection

How to finance these projects?

Altereo helps you to identify possible subsidies, to set up applications or to demonstrate to your decision-makers the returns on investment.

Altereo vous accompagne pour identifier les aides possibles, monter les dossiers ou encore démontrer à vos décideurs les retours sur investissement.

HpO® is labelled and supported by:

Grand Prix National de l’Ingénierie