High Performance of Water Utilities

From asset management to efficient replacement of networks

HpO - priorités de renouvellement des canalisations

What is your need?​

Better manage

water resources

Reduction of leaks Resilience towards climate change Solutions to face drought Access to water (UN SDG6)

Better manage

public finances

Efficient network replacement Limitation of intervention cost Long term control on water bills Reduction of the electricity bill

Better interact

with roadworks

Better hierachise and organise replacement works Works coordination Prevention of critical breaks Avoid non-planificated works


From a free and easy mobile app to complex algorithms which make your data talk

Altereo HpO formation gestion patrimoniale réseaux eau potable


AI-driven efficient water network replacement

Artificial intelligence for data-driven failure risk prediction and optimal replacement planning



At the end of 3 years of fruitful collaboration,

the results are particularly positive and the partnership continues!

Sébastien FAYON
Head of the Asset Management Department – Master plans at SEDIF
R&D services: Analysis and prediction of pipe breaks, connections and accessories

and renewal of water networks